The Mystery Mansion: Storytelling Card Game

Main cover

Цуврал дахь бусад номууд

Ихэвчлэн хамт авдаг

Дээрх бүтээлийг авсан хэрэглэгчид ихэвчлэн эдгээрийг хамтад нь авдаг.

Санал болгох


Fire your imagination with these fun storytelling cards. Reviving the Victorian craze for 'myrioramas', the twenty picture cards can be placed in any order to create seamless scenes. Almost infinite combinations of cards provide endless storyscaping possibilities. 

Follow the corridor through a mysterious country house and build a perpetual panorama with its inhabitants and their secrets. Find sinister suits of armour and the aftermaths of strange accidents, butlers with a grudge and glamorous couples where revenge is never far from the surface. 

With many games to play and millions of stories to tell, each turn of the card is a new adventure. Where will the story take you?


Худалдаанд гарсан огноо2018-02-26
ФорматИл захидал, мэндчилгээ
Эрхлэн гаргасанOrion Publishing Co
Үйлдвэрлэсэн улсНэгдсэн Вант Улс
Зорилтот бүлэгБүгд

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