The story of a little nomad

Main cover

Орчин үеийн утга зохиол
Нэгдүгээр сар 9
Англи хэл
205 x 145 x 15 мм

Зохиолчийн бусад номууд

Ихэвчлэн хамт авдаг

Дээрх бүтээлийг авсан хэрэглэгчид ихэвчлэн эдгээрийг хамтад нь авдаг.

Санал болгох


Oyu is a seven-year-old girl with blue eyes and blonde hair who has an eye for livestock, enjoys horseback riding, and dreams big. This book will take you on an adventure with this little nomad girl throughout the year, from summer to autumn, winter to spring, and how she learns from life.

She had no idea that, as she helped her grandparents in their countryside home and took on the duties of daily chores and errands, her careful observation of the mountains, trees, springs, and rivers in the area, as well as her wonders at the snow, rain, thunder, and rainbows while she run across the field chasing butterflies was cultivating warmth and kindness in her heart.

When she milks a cow, she always wants to leave more milk for the calf, and when she rides a horse and gallops like the free wind across the valley, she would mindfully remember her father's instruction: to slow down the horse from distance when you reach the hitching post, otherwise the horse legs will swell from sudden stop after the gallop. When children pretend play as a family, she would become a horse trainer and train stone horses while also caring for the livestock. In such way, these small but significant actions shaped the girls' personalities.

The storyline focuses on the life of little nomad Oyu in one year, from summer 1973 to spring 1974, in Mungunmorit soum, Tuv province, Mongolia.

Welcome to my childhood, the days, weeks, and months spent in the happiness and tranquility of a Mongolian nomadic family.




It's a simple book about two little girls and their daily routine throughout the year. However, if read carefully, the book answers the question "Who are Mongolians?". This is the book that will make you hear the horse neighing, the cow mooing, the sheep bleating, smell the summer grass, and taste freshly made mouth-watering cream.


- Battulga P. photographer, initiator of "Egel" project,




"I'll never forget the Naadam Festival chapter. It instantly transported me back to my childhood, and I relived all of the excitement. With this little girl's adventure, you can feel and even smell everything"


- Nasantsengel B. artist, portrait master



The true nomad Mongolian spirit, unique lifestyle in the countryside, love between parents and children, and children's pure heart and soul were all beautifully and simply displayed. There were a few touching moments that brought me to tears. The little girl's beloved Star Fawn horse is undoubtedly one of the book's main characters.

- Ragchaa.J, Mongolian National TB broadcaster and State Honored Artist



This book allows the reader to experience Mongolian traditions and upbringing through the eyes of a child. It allows you to really feel the countryside and all its beauty.


- Dustin Rawlins editor, reader


Худалдаанд гарсан огноо2023-01-09
ФорматЗөөлөн хавтастай
Нүүрний тоо222 нүүр
Бүтээлийн хэлАнгли хэл
Жин230 гр
Хэмжээс205 x 145 x 15 мм

Зохиолчийн талаар

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